Wednesday 17 April 2013

Congratulations to our amazing marathon runners!!!

Everyone at Quest4Change would just like to say a huge thank you and congratulations to Heather, Cath and their friend Ali for successfully running the Brighton marathon last Sunday!

Despite the rain and Quest's water station being based near the half way mark, it was really nice to see them still fresh faced and cheerful as they stopped to say hello. No mean feat I can assure you!

Heather has now ran the marathon two years in a row for us and along with Cath's great help this year, have contributed enormously to the work we do.

Heather and Cath have currently managed to raise over £600 for us- a truly brilliant effort so far. If you'd like to show your support for their achievement and contribute to all the work Quest4Change does you can continue to donate here: .

Once again a massive Congratulations to the girls. Well done!

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