Tuesday 1 November 2011

7 billion people

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Sometime yesterday afternoon, somewhere in the world, the 7 billionth person was born! This is according to the latest UN statistics on population.  If your interested, the Guardian has been publishing some interesting articles throughout the week leading up to yesterday, the day of 7billion...

This site www.breathingearth.net. is well worth a look for some startling facts For example, hold your cursor over Kenya and learn that a person dies every 1.4 minutes, and a baby is born every 22.4 seconds....  A quick maths equation tells us that Kenya's population is growing at rapid speed...  And while the stark realities of a rapidly changing climate suggest that resource scarcity will only increase, a larger population does not necessarily have to be a negative thing....

With advances in technology and science, there are, contrary to more sceptical critics, more than enough resources to go around (more problematic is the unfair distribution and consumption patterns of richer and poorer countries, however lets not get into that now...)

The key thing to remember is that innovative, sustainable and exciting development projects are out there - and they are making a real difference to peoples lives....  Sand Dams in Kenya are just one example.  (Check out this video which shows the work of our project partners, Excellent development.)

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