Wednesday 21 August 2013

Big Give for Quest School in VM - pledge here!

Last year's fantastic Big Give Christmas Challenge helped us raise a wonderful £6000 for Casa Lar, and we're hoping to match this success in 2013 for the Quest School in Villa Maria!

The Big Give Christmas Challenge is to raise £3000 in online donations during December - if we reach this target, it will then be matched by a further potential £3000!

Why are you telling me now?
We're currently looking for wonderful people, charitable trusts or businesses to pledge to donate to support the Quest School in VM.  Is this you?

What is a pledge?
A pledge is a promise made to donate to Quest4Change in January, after the end of the Christmas Challenge. Pledges must be made before the 11th October.

How much is a pledge?
It can be anywhere upwards of £100 - we're hoping to get a total of £1500, which could be 15 people pledging £100 or two companies pledging £750 each!

Why don't I just the money donate now?
We will only ask you to fulfil the same proportion of your pledge as we raised of our online if we raised £2000 out of the £3000, that's 2/3 of your pledge.

This is our guarantee to you that we'll work even harder to raise the funds in December, making your money worth more to the children of Villa Maria!

Please click here to make a pledge.

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