Tuesday 4 January 2011

A Marathon for Casa Lar

A big thanks to Edmund Northcott, who is currently in training for the London Marathon coming up this April (above, sporting the much sought-after Quest 4 Change t-shirt!)

Edmund volunteered with Quest on the Rio Favela & Community Project back in 2009 and is raising money through sponsorship both for the Casa Lar Home for Disabled Boys and for Macmillan Cancer Support. Apparently training is going well, and even took place over Christmas...which considering the snow and generally abounding levels of food, shows excellent dedication to the cause! You can donate on his Virgin Money Giving Page here.

Situated in the Mangueira favela of Rio de Janeiro, Casa Lar does a great job in providing not only the bare necessities of food, medication and shelter, but also work hard at giving the seventeen orphaned or abandoned boys who live there the highest quality of life they can. Trips to the beach, the mountains and the Rio Carnival mark important highlights for the boys. In Edmund's words "They rely on donations to get by, and are a wicked bunch of guys who deserve a lot better!" Without support from donors like Edmund and Quest4Change, Casa Lar would struggle to even provide the basic needs.

If you would like any more information about the Casa Lar project, or advice on how to go about organising sponsorship for any of the Quest4Change projects, please contact Rose on 01273 777206 or rose@quest4change.org.

Good luck with the training, Ed!

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