Tuesday 1 September 2009

Inti Wara Yassi needs your help

Quest4Change has been working with Inti Wara Yassi in Bolivia since 2003 and we are great supporters of their work. Inti Wara Yassi rescue, rehabilitate and where possible re-release animals which have been previously abused or abandoned, from parrots to pumas, there is no animal they will turn away from their refuge's.

Inti Wara Yassi have just suffered a terrible blow, a road, which has been under threat for over a year is being built right through Parque Machia, where Inti Wara Yassi was founded. The usable area of Machia will effectively be cut in half by the road and many successfully rehabilitated and released animals will have their habitats disturbed and their survival compromised.
The diggers at work in the park

With an increase in traffic through the park, IWYs ability to protect these animals becomes increasingly difficult and releases after rehabilitation less possible.


Fortunately, the one positive outcome from their threat to build a road through Machia last year, was that IWY came up with a contingency plan, a safety net should relations between IWY and the local mayor and council should ever come to a head and they have founded a new park, Jacj Cuisi.

However, although Andres, Harold, Kp, Rob, QuestOverseas, Vanessa and all the amazing volunteers that have been developing this bare land into something resembling an animal refuge have done an amazing job with few resources, the park is a long way from being ready to accept more animals. And we need your help.

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