Tuesday, 30 June 2009

A message from one of our volunteers

Dear all Villa Maria volunteers,

On behalf of Alejandro and the team in Peru, I'd like to thank you for all your hard work and support over the years. As I'm sure you know the project in Villa Maria relies on support and donations from other volunteers and donors.
In an effort to continue developing our work in these communities, we are appealing to past volunteers who have first hand experience of the poverty and need of the people living in Villa Maria.

We know that times are tough economically, but we hope that you still feel able to make a donation to this important project, and to those children and families whose lives have been improved thanks to your help in the past.

Click here to support this project.

Your donation will be greatly appreciated by all in Villa Maria.

Thanks Very Much,

Sophie Shuttleworth
ex-Villa Maria volunteer

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